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Cross Country

Skelmersdale Boundary Harriers take part in two cross country leagues over the winter months. All fixtures are listed below:
Saturdays (various start times);
Liverpool & District League (L&D)
Mid Lancs League (ML) {inc juniors}
Sundays (10am);
North West Cross Country League (NWCCL)
The purpose of the leagues is to provide cross country race opportunities over the winter, encourage participation and provide a sociable environment for runners, of all abilities. We actively encourage all members to try at least one cross country race each season.
Many clubs of all sizes from Merseyside/Cheshire and Lancashire take part in the leagues and compete to be winners at the end of the season.

Cross country is a great way of staying focused and race fit over the winter months, proving to also be great fun. Cross-country strengthens the legs and core muscles, develops the ability to run on varied terrain and builds mental resilience from the varying conditions that the British climate likes to provide in great wealth. The runner who is experienced in cross-country is more robust, more versatile and less likely to be thrown by a sudden change in the weather – an event surprisingly common in major championships in the UK.
The cross-country season provides tough physical training, working over a wide range of speeds, inclines, and on occasions, depths, without the damaging effects of cumulative impacts found in solitary track or road training.
In the L&D league this season sees the return of four races; 3 league and the latter being the league's Championship race.
In the NWCCL there are expected to be 5 cross country fixtures over the winter (4 confirmed thus far), all the courses are off-road and suitable to be run in running spikes or deep lug trail shoes. The courses are between 4 ½ and 5 miles in length and take place over grass, mud, dirt trails, hills, etc.
Most NWCCL fixtures are followed by refreshments supplied by the Host club. The results of the race are usually announced at the venue but can take a couple of days to reach the leagues website as a confirmed tally.
The Mid Lancs league aims to host 6 races where clubs score on their strongest 4 of the 6 races and also incorporates junior divisions (from u11's at midday) prior to the senior races with Women (6k at 1:30pm) and Men (9-10k at 2:15pm). Currently 5 confirmed so will be best three results from 5.
Regional and National events (inc Sefton Park) are mass participation events and as such carry a small levy above the standard league entry fees (paid by the club). The club will endeavour to cover all extra fees associated but will only enter those runners who wish to participate in these events, notified prior to the entry cutoff set by each race
*In the rare occasions of a date clash between Saturday leagues, SBH will turnout at the L&D event due to being a founder member of the league.
This season’s fixtures are:
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