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Thursday Run Groups

Skelmersdale Boundary Harriers now have upto 6 running groups* on Thursday club run nights:


Beginners/Return to running (Boosts)- Introductory jog/walk combination lead by two of our coaches to help you either get back running from absence or injury, or for the complete beginner working towards their first 5km run (Couch to 5k) *Overall route may be upto 6km*


Rebels - A gentle paced, sociable running group that run between 5 & 6 mile distance at approx 10.5 minute mile pace with several speed efforts and plenty of recovery stops.


Breakaway - The perfect step between Rebels and Bandits groups covering from 5-7 miles at approx 10min mile pacing


Bandits - A medium paced group that runs between 6 and 7 mile distance at around 9.5 minute mile pace with several speed & hill efforts and recovery stops.


Boundary - The perfect step between Bandits and Bolts groups covering from 6-8 miles at approx 9min mile pacing


Bolts - A faster paced group that run between 7 and 8 mile distance at approx 8.5 minute mile pace with several speed and hill efforts, but with less recovery stops


The sessions are usually between 60 to 90 minutes depending on the route chosen that evening. We always ensure that no-one is left behind and pride ourselves as being a very friendly and supportive running club.


*amount of groups defined by available run leaders each week.


Training in the Autumn/Winter months tends to be running on road (with high visibility vests and head torches required), whereas Spring/Summer Thursday training often takes place on the trails and paths around Ashurst Beacon, Beacon Country Park, Dalton and surrounding areas.

Other Sessions

Monday Hillwork - A coached drop-in session that aims to develop both a runners speed, pacing, power, knee drive and anaerobic ability.

Meeting point - Lathom School, Glenburn road, WN8 6JN 

7pm start for approx 1hour session that includes Warm-up & stretches


Tuesday Social - A 'social' paced 4-6mile run that tours West Lancashire by starting at different locations each week. All social runs accommodate all runners with nobody left behind at any stage. Start time 6:30pm Contact the club for location details - members can find on the whatsapp group


Wednesday Speedwork - A led intervals session aiming to develop aerobic ability alongside pace development and cadence, all key ingredients as you work towards your next PB.

Meet point - Greenhill, start 7pm


Wednesday Mental Health Walk - The first Wednesday of each month, SBH hosts a walk & talk group available to both the general public and club members. Routes are approximately 1hour with start & finish at the Miners Peg Pub. 


​Saturday Parkrun - Our home parkrun 5km event is Tawd Valley Parkrun which starts and finishes in Skelmersdale town center. SBH members are regular attendees in both participation and volunteering.


Sunday Service - Changing each week (based around leader availability & race calendar), our experienced leaders will host a local long run, utilising road, fell or trail found in the skelmersdale area. Whilst socially paced, we aim to offer two groups split by endurance ability. Start times vary


Couch to 5km - run three times per year, our 11week program aims to assist each individual through their goals, whether it be weight management, fitness development or just getting out into the fresh air and needing more accoutability. Our experienced coaches and leaders will support at every step and obstacle you face find out more here


Sessions offered by SBH may be changed/postponed due to Bank Holidays, adverse weather or in-sufficient leader availability. Members should check the whatsapp group for the most uptodate information

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