Following the start of the Mid Lancs XC and NW Sunday XC leagues, it was the turn of the Liverpool and District league. Thanks to SBH long heritage we can all run in these local XC fixtures as a founder league member.
Again we got lucky with the weather, and the race took place in autumn sunshine. Underfoot it was a bit 'soft' in places but an inviting course for quick cross country. Dave was having flasbacks to last years Beacon race with his slick trail shoes in hand. Would he face plant?
After our pre race media obligations and warms up were complete it was time to gather at the start. 9 men and 5 women in splendid Amber and Black ready to go at the starters pistol. Off up the gradual gradient and out into the 3 lap route.
Jane and Jayne positioned themselves well to greet our runners with encouragement and capture the smiling faces as we passed. SBH ran well and secured team results for a 3rd consecutive weekend. 1st home was Vicky for the Ladies and Dave for the Men.
Team wise, the men took home 7th and ladies 4th.
Really good to see another strong turnout with some racing for 1st time this season, big shout to our legend Andy who ran despite feeling unwell,
And Ashley who again guarded the club HQ whilst we ran around her in giant circles.
We really have made a positive start to XC this season and we would love to see more or you coming and giving it a go, enjoy the support of your team, get a bit muddy and keep smiling while you run. Get well soon Maria, Andy,
Few weeks off now but lots more to come in November including a brand new Beacon course, whoooo!!
Results Ladies (4th team home) Ladies positions shown Vicky 17th Anna 33rd Jemma 34th Quin 35th Michelle 37th
Mens (7th team home) Overall Dave 35th Phil 41st Jim 53rd Andy M 62nd Mike Chairman 67th Richard 92nd Nick 100th Mike Ashton 111th Andy the Brave
written by Phil Derry