Welfare and Safeguarding
Skelmersdale Boundary Harriers are committed to the welfare and safety of all our members, with particular care toward those who are children or who may be vulnerable.
The Club has three Welfare Officers, Karolina Faithful, Simon Jones & Michelle Loughlin, who ensure that United Kingdom Athletics (UKA) and England Athletics (EA) policies are observed. Each has attended UKA/EA Safeguarding Training is has a current DBS Certificate.
The club formally adopted the revised UKA & EA policies in April 2023. The UKA policies for the protection of children vulnerable adults can be accessed on the UKA web site
Advice on Safeguarding, welfare and DBS procedures can be sought from the Welfare Officers who can be contacted on email welfare@skelmersdaleboundaryharriers.com

Karolina Faithful
Lead Welfare Officer

Simon Jones
Welfare Officer

Michelle Loughlin
Welfare Officer
If you would like to message our welfare team directly, please use the form below.
Submitted information will only be received by the welfare team and will remain secure in line with England Athletics best practice