The Newsletter of
Skelmersdale Boundary Harriers

Dennis Leads the Club in Rememberance Run
At the exemplar age of 94, Boundary President Dennis Adelsberg, stood proudly on the startline of this years 'Runfor the 97' 5k surrounded by his family, friends, club members and honorary Harrier in Blue, Speedo Mick, who accompanied Dennis around the full 5km course throughout Stanley Park and past both merseyside stadiums basked in glorious sunshine

Member of the Month : April 2024
Whilst relatively new to the club, Jim has been an example of what embodies a Harrier, getting involved with everything. But its his motivation that has shone brightest this month, his motivation to overcome adversity whilst supporting other runners to push themselves is a skillset that can never be underestimated within a club
Notable mentions:
Neil Goulding
The She-Ultra Ladies
The Club Tote : Monthly Prize Draw
Pick a number (from 1-106), pay £2

number will be drawn at each monthly committee meeting with the prize awarded being half the total sold numbers. The remainder will go into the club funds to enhance such things as big social events, pay for qualifications or help those in need
*any unclaimed number that wins, the prize pot will be rolled over to the following month
New policy on Dogs at Club functions
Following an indepth review of club functions and events a policy has been drafted on where dogs can be welcomed into areas of the club. This policy will run with immediate effect and will be reviewed over the coming months to ensure its efficient in its existence and practicality which maintaining a safe and welcome environment for everyone. Click the image from our recent walk and talk to view the full policy

Boundary Harriers Heading for France with Fundraising ParkRun
The harriers will be aiming to cover 500miles in 24hours, running from parkrun (Tawd Valley) at 9am Saturday 22nd June to parkrun (Skelmersdale Juniors) 9am Sunday 23rd using Tawd Valleys course as a continual run relay.
Funds are being raised for the clubs nominated charities of the year; Bowel Cancer UK, The Brain Charity & Prostate Cancer.
Want to join the run, sign up for a 1hour block by clicking the poster and adding your name to the spreadsheet
Other News:
Subs can now be paid online, check here for details
Club Birthday Run from Tawd Pub at 10am, 10miles on Bank Holiday Monday
First Park Run Pacer week at Tawd Valley, click here to join in
Latest Couch to 5km program under way with two groups running, more info
Got a topic for a future harrier post, drop us an email
If you need any help, support or guidance; please get in touch with our welfare team via